The Field Analyzer is a tool for studying the electromagnetic fields that are
created when power and/or signal traces on the board are energized. The results
of the analysis may be view as a color graph, isolines, 3D-wire mesh graph, etc.
It must be particularly mentioned that, just as with the other two tools, the
Field Analyzer does not make any decisions or suggestions about the proper
functioning of the design. The Field Analyzer predicts the variations in the
selected field, due to electromagnetic properties of physical connections
(traces), within a spatial area and time frame specified by the user.
Field Analyzer – Operation
1. Right click on the PCB Layout in the Project Explorer. Select Board Analyzer
in the list.
2. Invoke Field Analyzer from Signal Integrity Simulation window.
3. Check the option ‘Display Fields’ in the Signal Integrity Simulation window.
4. Click the Simulate button to open the Field Analyzer.
The Tool Box on the right side of Field Analyzer includes
Graph Modes
The Graph mode includes
Graph Extent:
Size of the square covered in the graph can be adjust using the zoom out and
zoom in button.
Select field
It includes Electric field, Magnetic field, Vector potential, Scalar potential.
Output can be viewed by selecting each field.
In this option of Field Analyzer, five types of graph can be viewed.
Colored graph, Isoline, field direction graph, Polar coordinates graph, 3D
Graph Params.
Isolines density
More detailed presentation of the result can be obtained by increasing the
Isolines density in the Graph Params.
Color graph:
Precision raster:
The precision to calculate the field values can be adjusted using the Precision
Display grid:
Applying higher values to the Display grid will provide smoother variations to
the colored graph.
Run Simulation button used to begin the Analysis. .
The simulation may be interrupted (and continued later) at any desired point by
using the
Pause button.
In order to continue the interrupted analysis, simply
click the
Continue Run button.
Stop button stops the simulation.
Plot settings:
You can view the Field Analyzer Diagram by setting the parameters as your need.
If Auto Scaling has been selected, the maximum values displayed as well as the
scales of the graphs are automatically updated. On the other hand, if Auto
Scaling has been turned off, these values are clipped at the values specified.
(In other words, values higher than those specified are ignored.).
Different magnetic field, electric field, vector potential and scalar potential
graphs can be viewed by selecting Select Field and Graph in Graph Modes.
Electric Field Polar Co-ordinate Graph