Creation of List of Materials
To create list of materials
- Load the Project, pack all the components.
- From the Project Explorer select Project → Circuit.
- Select the List of Materials Editor task from the Task List of Circuit.
The List of Materials editor dialogue displays as shown in figure below.
- Choose Create List of Material option. You can create List of Materials in two
With out External Info Database (EID)
With External Info Database (EID)
For Creating List of Material - With out External Info Database, click on Next. A new
window appears as shown in figure below.
- Select or unselect the field that is required to be included in the list of materials.
The selected fields will be added to the list Selected fields.
- Select the Field according to which the list is to be sorted from the drop down
menu of Sort with Fields.
- Select the delimiter from the drop down menu of Delimiter to Use.
- The user can create the list of material by filtering the unwanted parts or
components. To filter any part or component from the List of Material select the check
box Use filter for parts and components.
- Browse to select the path for the output file and specify the file name.
- Click the Next button, a new window appears as shown in figure below together
with the List of materials preview window.
- Click on Show Preview to view the preview of the list of materials.
- Click Finish to finish the process of creating the list.